Thursday May 02, 2024

Inuka Tissue Oil

Even if you don’t realize it, you love your skin. It’s who you are. Your skin is what makes you different from every other person on the planet. It’s right there on the surface. You see it everyday from when you wake up to when you go to sleep. Besides visual distinction from others, it also says a lot about what’s going on inside of you. Skin is one of the major indicators of some underlying health problems you might have. Why? Simply because it’s one of the quickest organs to show symptoms in case of sickness or even malnourishment. And just for the record, yes, skin IS an organ. The largest organ in your body, in fact. All the more reason to take care of it, right? That’s why when it comes to skin care products, they’re endless. Dozens are being formulated on a daily basis. One product that’s been around for quite some time is Inuka Tissue Oil. It combines the benefits of so many dermatological products in one, that it really sounds too good to be true. People use it so often for so many reasons, it would take forever to mention them all. Some of the most common problems it’s used for are : dry and dehydrated skin, blemishes, scars, stretch marks, uneven skin tone and even acne.


Now let’s take a step back. We know what skin ailments it helps with, but what IS Inuka Tissue Oil? No one would use a product without knowing where it comes from, right? Well, Inuka Tissue Oil is basically a type of therapeutic body oil. Each type of Inuka Tissue Oil has different components but they’re all usually made by extracting the essential oils from various plants such as marula, flax, rose hips, roobios, germ wheat, sweet almond and argan. Then other important constituents are added such as vitamins A, C, and E. Each of these ingredients has several therapeutic actions that contribute to Inuka Tissue Oil’s overall action. So how does Inuka Tissue Oil do? Let’s find out.

Skin hydration

When doctors recommend that you drink 6-8 glasses of water a day, they do so for good reason. About 50-65% of our body is made up of water. That’s two thirds of who you are. Everything in our body needs a sufficient amount of water to function properly and that includes the skin. When your skin is getting the amount it needs, it looks healthier and even feels healthier. The problem is, we sweat. We frequent the bathroom. There are so many ways that we lose water from our bodies daily that it becomes difficult to stay hydrated. Some people just drink more water but others look for a smarter solution. One of these solutions is Inuka Tissue Oil. It’s well known that Inuka Tissue Oil “hydrates the skin”, which is actually wrong. Inuka Tissue Oil doesn’t hydrate, it keeps skin hydrated. Is there a difference? Of course. It doesn’t add water into your skin layers, it keeps the existing moisture and water from evaporating and being lost. Isn’t it smarter to prevent or reduce loss than to just keep adding more?


So how does this work? Well, our skin is made up of a bunch of lipid layers. Lipids or fats, as we know, don’t let water pass through, right? So our skin SHOULD keep most of the water in. But that doesn’t happen because of the pores in these lipid layers that allow all that precious water to be lost. That’s where Inuka Tissue Oil comes in. It forms a layer on top of your skin that prevents water from evaporating and being lost. That way, your skin remains hydrated, healthy and vibrant.

Scar tissue

Scars are experiences. Sure, some are reminders of a great experience you’ve had but others can be quite traumatic. They can be painful physically, mentally and emotionally. They can make you feel very uncomfortable throughout the day especially if they’re in a prominent or visible area. Surgery is a viable option that not everyone is willing to endure. That’s why non-surgical treatments such as Inuka Tissue Oil are gaining popularity everyday.


The surprising thing about a scar is that it’s the result of your body’s natural healing process. When your skin gets cut, burned, injured or suffers any kind of trauma,  your body starts to deposit many things, including collagen, to the injured area. That only becomes a problem if your body takes more than three to four weeks to repair the damage after which the continuous deposition thickens and gives the appearance of a scar.


The reason Inuka Tissue Oil works on these scars is that many of its constituents contain omega-3 and 6 fatty acids. These fatty acids have so many benefits, you wouldn’t know where to begin. For one, they have wound healing properties. In addition to that, they have anti-inflammatory activity which helps to reduce the itching and redness that usually accompanies a scar. As for the scar itself, these omega fatty acids have the ability to regulate collagen deposition and prevent extensive scarring by maintaining just the right collagen levels.

Ageing and stretch marks

In addition to its effect on collagen, omega-3 fatty acids also have the ability to preserve a special protein in our skin called elastin. Elastin, as the name suggests, is responsible for maintaining the elasticity of our skin. When you poke or pinch an old person’s skin, does it snap back to its original form as fast as that of a teenager’s, for example? Of course not. That’s because the older you become, the less elastin there is in your skin and the less elastic it becomes. It loses the ability to freely stretch and return back to normal. By preserving the elastin, your skin looks healthier, firmer and much younger. Who doesn’t want to look younger? Who doesn’t want to be like Jennifer Aniston? If she weren’t famous, you’d never believe she’s in her fifties. Well who knows? Maybe she uses Inuka Tissue Oil.


Another component that helps with ageing and stretch marks is vitamin E. It works on skin inflammation, promotes tissue growth and is a powerful antioxidant. The thing about antioxidants is that they protect you from free radicals that harm your skin and speed up the ageing process. In the presence of excessive free radicals, your skin starts to wrinkle, show stretch marks and even appear aged. Vitamin E truly is one of the essentials for healthy skin.


The one you’ve been waiting for. Acne. Who hasn’t had acne? Whether you’re​ a teenager, an adult, have been pregnant, or simply went through a lot of stress, you’ve developed acne at some point in your life. You know how frustrating and sometimes painful it can be. Well acne is basically due to excessive sebum being produced from the sebaceous glands in your skin. The amount of sebum produced depends on many things such as your skin’s water to oil ratio and your hormone levels. By keeping your skin well-hydrated, Inuka Tissue Oil maintains just the right ratio to prevent excessive sebum production. The vitamin A in Inuka Tissue Oil also has the ability to balance your hormone levels which is important since disturbances in hormones can lead to acne.

Skin tone

Everyone strives for a perfect skin tone. Dark spots and uneven tone are so common that concealers, foundation and other cosmetics have become a daily necessity. But why cover up your dark spots when you can make them go away? Why spend hours blending in your even skin tone when you can wake up to a perfect complexion? These dark spots are also called hyperpigmentation which basically means too much of a certain pigment in your skin. That pigment is melanin. It’s supposed to protect you from sunlight and UV light but sometimes, excessive melanin is produced leading to spots darker than their surrounding. Vitamin E in Inuka Tissue Oil acts as an antioxidant and a tyrosinase enzyme inhibitor which means that it takes the oxygen and tyrosinase enzyme, which are vital to melanin production, out of the equation. Therefore, it stops excessive melanin production. Vitamin E not only acts as an antioxidant but it also increases the production of your body’s natural antioxidant, glutathione.


The thing people love about Inuka Tissue Oil is how easy it is to use. Just rub some on a few times a day ( two times a day is common practice) and watch it work its magic. Use a cotton pad if you’d like. If you’re too lazy to actually apply it, just get in the bath and add a few drops right in.


When it comes to choosing a type of Inuka Tissue Oil, go for something that is highly absorbed and has a lot of positive feedback such as Inuka’s Inuka Tissue Oil to make sure you get the most out of its therapeutic effect. Sure, there are a lot of other products on the market but you want something that shows you results as quick as possible. So get your Inuka Tissue Oil, be consistent​ and watch it work wonders for your skin.


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